Security Central Reaches $1 Million Giving Milestone!
Security Central is pleased to announce we reached our million dollar giving milestone this past month. Our Million Dollar Impact Initiative began in 2016 as a multi-year pledge to give $1,000,000 to charities serving our local community and abroad. That dream has become a reality.
Jordan Jackson, President of Security Central, shared, “In January 2016, we made a pledge to ourselves and our customers that we would give $1,000,000 to local and international charities to positively impact the lives of people in need. As a small business, I didn’t know exactly how we would accomplish the goal in the ten-year timeframe we set for ourselves. But thanks to the support of our loyal clients and the hard work of our team members, we were able to hit the million dollar mark in seven and a half years.”
Positively impacting lives in our community and around the world is built into the DNA of Security Central. It is the core concept in the mission, vision, and values of the company.
Brandy Pontious, Security Central’s VP and General Manager, further explained, “All of our team members know working at Security Central is much more than just a job; it’s a personal mission. Our people get up each morning determined to make a positive difference in the lives of the people they work with and serve. They personally touch thousands of lives, and the fruit of their labor impacts even more through the financial support of our partner charities.”
Excitement around the office rose in recent months as the finish line of the Million Dollar Impact Initiative came into view. In May, the Security Central family kicked off a summer giving campaign to push us to the finish line. By completing personal goals this summer, employees earned points that converted to financial support to fund microfinance community groups in Tanzania. The Security Central team members accomplished many fun and challenging summer goals, and their efforts pushed our giving total over the million dollar mark!
Security Central will celebrate our Million Dollar Impact Initiative success at our annual Customer C.A.R.E. Day shredathon event on September 23rd. The charitable achievement was made possible because of great customers like you. Therefore, we hope you will stop by our facility on Sept. 23rd between 9:00 am and noon so we can thank you personally and give you a glimpse of the difference that you have made in the lives of so many!
To learn more about Security Central’s Million Dollar Impact Initiative, please visit https://securitycentralinc.com/about-us/1m-initiative/.