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Customer C.A.R.E. Day Shredathon, Electronic Recycling, and Canned Food Drive May 13, 2017

News & Blog

Security Central will host its annual Customer C.A.R.E. Day Shredathon on May 13th this year.  The fun spring tradition will again include FREE shredding of personal paper documents, small-electronic recycling, and a canned food drive to benefit the Denver Rescue Mission.  We hope to avoid the added excitement from last year of the shredder truck catching fire!

Security Central clients will enjoy FREE food, refreshments, prizes, Quick-C.A.R.E. center tours, and security technology demonstrations.  As we strive to make a positive impact on our community, customers are asked to bring donations of non-perishable food to help the hurting and hungry in Denver.  Due to the increased cost of environmental processing, we are asking that anyone who brings CRT Monitors or T.V.’s for recycling make a cash donation to the Denver Rescue Mission of $10 for each T.V./monitor up to 31” and $25 for each T.V. of 32” or larger.

The Customer Appreciation Day activities will be held at the Security Central building located at 7100 S. Clinton Street in Centennial near I-25 and Arapahoe Rd.  The shredding and recycling trucks will be available from 9:00 a.m. until noon on May 13, 2017.

The turnout is always impressive as hundreds of clients bring thousands of pounds of documents and discarded electronics to be properly disposed of.  Even more impressive and impactful is the ton of food donations that community-minded customers bring to feed the homeless through the Rescue Mission program.

By shredding personal documents prior to discarding them, you help reduce your risk of identity theft, so empty out those file drawers and bring your old bank statements, tax returns, and canceled checks.  In addition to properly disposing of unneeded papers, we can also help you get rid of your dusty, outdated electronics.  Discarded computers, printers and cell phones can all be recycled by 3R Technology Solutions, who will be on site for our event.  3R Technology Solutions removes and processes the environmentally hazardous materials from old electronic items and then recycles the remaining materials.  Please note there are certain materials we cannot accept for recycling:

Acceptable Items:

Most Consumer Electronics

Computers, Printers, Faxes, etc.

TV’s/Monitors (up to 31”) – $10 Donation Req’d

TV’s/Monitors (32”+) – $25 Donation Req’d.


Non-Acceptable Items:

Liquids (Paint, Thinners, etc.)

Radioactive or BioHazard Materials

Large Appliances (Refrigerators, Washers/Dryers)

Furniture or Mattresses